The verdict and final list of Oscar contenders have been revealed. Jane Campion's thriller "The Power of the Dog" leads nominations with 12 nods. Followed by Dune by Canadian Denis Villeneuve, who succeeded in adapting Frank Herbert's book with 10 nominations.
"Don't Look up", a climate-catastrophic comedy with Leonardo di Caprio and Jennifer Lawrence as the world's unfortunate saviour is selected in four categories. While Steven Spielberg's sumptuous remake of the iconic musical, "West Side Story" also caught the attention of the jury 7 times.
But the Acadmy also selected the beautiful british movie Belfast. In this comedy-drama", Kenneth Branagh returns to the times of the Troubles, the Northern Irish violence in the late 1960s. The semi-autobiographical story is set through the innocent eyes of Buddy, a 9-year-old boy.
Flee is the most nominated European film with Best Documentary, Best Animated Film and Best International Film. The danish animated documentary depicts the life of an Afghan man called Amin who lives in Denmark and looks back on his childhood in his country and his family’s escape.
Also up for Best International Feature is "The Wors t Person in the World", a romantic norwegian comedy, which won a prize at Cannes and is this time also nominated for an Oscar for Best Screenplay.
10 african countries submitted their nominations for the Best International Film category. Among them "Lingui, the sacred bonds", a chadian drama about an unwated pregnancy in Chad where abortion is very restricted. Directed by Mahamat Saleh Haroun, the film shows how a mother and her 15 year old daughter brave obstacles in a patriarchal society. The film was selected for last year's Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival.
The Ocars ceremony will be held on March 27.
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