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NASA unveils its supersonic X plane

NASA unveils its supersonic X plane


The world has known the Concorde and its deafening noise, soon it should witness the birth of a new plane which is totally different from the late Franco-British model.

American space agency, NASA unveiled its supersonic aircraft project on Tuesday.

The aircraft has a spectacular sized model. The X plane has duck wings in front of its cockpit and two delta wings at a very sharp angle.

It is a real revolution in passenger and freight air transport. The X-Plane’s lineage, will be designed to make it less noisy, running at supersonic speeds and allowing travel over inhabited areas.

Jaiwon Shin is in charge of NASA’s aeronautical research mission.

“This X-plane manned aircraft will be built specifically to embark technologies that reduce supersonic boom noise to a slight dull noise’‘, Shin said.

The X plane’s sound will be as light as that of a car door closing. It will fly at an altitude of 55,000 feet, cruising at 1,560 km/h.

It will produce an equivalent of about 75 decibels of perceived noise levels.NASA plans to fly its new X-plane over a number of American cities. Beginning from 2022, it will collect data and opinion from inhabitants.


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