As plastic debris can still be frequently found in our environment, activists celebrate World Refill Day on June 16th.
The global public a_wareness campaign aims_ at preventing plastic pollution by urging people to reuse their containers, whether it be cups or bottles.
"The problem is really that recycling is not the solution. Refill and reuse is really a fantastic solution," Oceana Director of global strategic initiatives Anne Schroeer told Euronews.
"So, when you think about bottles, there are about 500,000,000 plastic bottles that are coming to the market every single year. It's five houndred million billion bottles worldwide that are in the markets and 34 billion of that according to Oceana's estimations, are ending up in the ocean every single year. So, a refillable bottle is refilled 20 to 50 times, so you can imagine that's directly a reduction of plastic of 95%".
Such intiatives could not only help reduce plastic pollution worldwide, but also contribute to the well being of marine wildlife, which heavily suffers from the consequences of human activity.
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