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Morocco's King Mohammed VI blends diplomacy with western fashion

Morocco's King Mohammed VI blends diplomacy with western fashion

Ivory Coast

The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, travelled extensively across the continent in 2016. The journeys were hinged on his country’s drive to regain admission into the African Union (AU).

During his trips, he penned diplomatic and trade agreements with his host. Fast-forward to January 2017, Morocco were unsurprisingly readmitted to the AU in a Heads of State Summit held in Addis Ababa.

After the readmission, the king has began another tour of the continent. A move seen as part of efforts to show gratitude for the diplomatic support.

He is normally seen in his Islamic garb with a cap or turban. Yet still in his political suit as he travels around. During his latest visit to Ivory Coast, Mohammed VI, visited the Treichville district, famous for its rhinestones and glitter.

The monarch did not go to meet anyone but Pathé‘O, famous creator of African fashion.

A photo taken in the workshop of Pathé‘O, shows the Moroccan king wearing a motley jacket with jeans, standing next to him was the designer, visibly delighted by the royal visit.

Before this trip, the King was seen in a casual wear with a Moroccan family that hosted him during a state visit to Zambia.

Toussaint Alain, ex-adviser to Laurent Gbagbo commented on the King’s blend of business with pleasure in a tweet.

Le Roi du #Maroc Mohamed VI, en visite d’Etat en #CIV, joint l’utile à l’agréable : ici dans l’atelier du couturier Pathé O. #Treichville pic.twitter.com/4jEfoOTUwT

— Toussaint Alain (@ToussaintAlain) February 28, 2017

Real name, Pathé Ouédraogo, the designer has made shirts for several African personalities, the most illustrious of which is the late Nelson Mandela.

Pathe’O, for several Africans is a model not only in terms of fashion, but also also for his activism.

Having left his native Burkina Faso in 1969, he had to survive in the Ivorian capital through several small trades, before realizing his dream of becoming one of the biggest fashion designers in Africa.

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