On Friday, the Prime minister visited a series of works carried out in the port of Alto do Bandim. They aim at improving the country's fish export capacity. A move, Nabiam believes will build the government’s credibility and boost the economy.
Bissau Guinean Prime minister Nuno Gomes Nabiam visited a series of works at the port of Alto do Bandim.
On Friday, he was in the western part of the country where he shared his hopes to see the his party win the 2023 legislative elections.
The expansion of the port aims at improving the country's fish export capacity. A move, Nabiam believes will boost the economy and build the government’s credibility.
"The President always says we are the concrete generation, we have to do something in this government so that the people can see that we are working. It is only when you leave works that the population gains confidence and that is why we hope to win the next elections so that we can continue to build the country, which is fundamental. Therefore, we have guaranteed over three thousand five hundred jobs and our fish will start being exported by the end of the year."
The Chinese-backed Alto do Bandim fishing port expansion is estimated to cost about 24 million US $ and last two years.
The second phase includes the installation of floating docks, and the building of a new breakwater, an access road, drains and sewers.
The sector is vital to Bissau Guineans and provides employment for more than two hundred thousand people. Fisheries contribute to more than 4% of the country’s GDP.
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