Eto'o: Africa must believe and create means to win the World Cup

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Samuel Eto'o

The former Cameroonian international Samuel Eto'o was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Lyon Business School for his work in his native county, Cameroon and in Africa.

Africanews took a look back on his career and shared his ambitions for the future of African football. The former Indomitable Lions striker dreams of a World Cup win by an African team.

Nathalie (Africanews editor): Hello and thank you for joining us here on Africanews. We have the opportunity today to welcome someone who we no longer need to introduce. The former Cameroonian international, Samuel Eto'o. Thank you Samuel Eto'o for being with us on this interview. First of all, you are here in Lyon because you have been awarded your honorary doctorate. What does this mean to you?

Eto'o: A lot. I started out on my career as a footballer. I had no limits and I convinced myself that I have to go beyond all barriers. Today, I am happy to know that everything is possible and I hope that this will inspire other young people to believe that everything is possible as long as we want it.

Nathalie: Africanews is now five years old. If you had to go back a little bit and think about the last five years. What has been your biggest impression of Africa?

Eto'o: In Africa?

Nathalie: An area? Maybe progress in the field of soccer, for example. Samuel, the new president of CAF hopes that Africa will win the World Cup. He wants Africa to win the World Cup. It is something that can be achieved in five to ten years.

Eto'o: It has been my wish for forty years. But to win, we must believe and give ourselves the means to achieve it and that is a long way. We know that for now, we must lay the foundation and hope that African players continue taking up the leading roles in the best European clubs. I don't see why we can't make ensure that these players feel good in their respective national teams and together with their teammates, they can give their best. What has really impressed me in the last five years is the construction of stadiums in Cameroon. We have the most beautiful stadiums in the world today and I am proud of that and I have to talk about it.

Nathalie: 2021 began on the same basis as last year with the Covid-19 situation. What is your impression of this year?

Eto'o: I hope that it will be better than the one that just ended. Everyone should be much more careful and adapt.

Nathalie: Finally, where do you see the continent in the next five years?

Eto'o: The most important thing is a continent that belongs to me and that is Africa. I also hope that we will continue to manage this pandemic well so that there will be fewer casualties on our continent.

Nathalie: Thank you very much Samuel Eto'o. Thank you once again for being with us and good luck with Africanews.

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