African Festival of Nude Photography 2018 [Culture TMC]

2017 was a year rich in terms of culture on the continent for African artists who pushed the limits of their creativity. Well everything suggests that 2018 will also be a good year.

One example of that is of an unprecedented photo festival that will open in March in Benin: the African Festival of Nude Photography!

This festival aims to become the largest African event devoted to artistic nude photography by bringing together photographers and artists with interest in the body as a theme annually.

It must be said, the subject is not very popular on the continent. Nudity is still very often perceived as indecent. But the objective here is to present nudity as a means to reclaim the African body.

Behind this initiative is writer, slameur and cultural journalist Djamile Mama Gao. He tells us how the idea of such the festival came up. Take a listen !

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