Illicit drugs trafficking: The African perspective [Interview]

Africa is no longer just a safe haven for drug traffickers who ‘dump’ and use some regions as a transit point before exporting to other parts of the world. High consumption and production is ongoing.

Reports points to high-profile African politicians deeply involved in the ‘drug mafia’ condoning and coniving with these traffickers.

Signatures appended during international ratifications of drug laws and controls, are ‘kissed good bye’ by some African leaders upon return.

However, the increasing ramifications of these drugs on health, economy and social dispositions on Africa is staggering.

In an exclusive interview with a panel of experts on Africanews, the canker is interrogated and the way forward for Africa thoroughly analysed.

Our Hawa Suleimana Issah speaks to Consultant and Security expert with international agencies including the United Nations, Dr. Oludare Ogunlana.

Adib Sani, is an International Security Analyst and CEO of Ghana based Jatikay Center for Human Security and Peace building.

Larab Tangshak Ayuba is a Cross Cultural Negotiator and lecturer, University of Jos, Nigeria.
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