African Football: The Youth Promise [Sports]

The just concluded AFCON 2017 in Gabon saw a rather youthful Cameroonian side overcome all odds to run away with the title. Few expected the inexperienced players would go that far…and there lies the problem we’ll be addressing today. The commitment by African football federations to youth talent development in sport has been questionable, or in other cases non-existent.

We have seen this during continental tournaments like the AFCON, where most coaches have prefered their players fully formed and are therefore happier relying on experience.

Keeping in mind that Africa’s youth teams have been more successful in global competitions than the senior sides begs the question; shouldn’t we consider trusting youth talent more? Yes we should…and the tune is actually changing thanks to initiatives from sponsors and donors who are putting money in youth football leagues and talent development. Victor Muisyo has more on that.

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