UN, Arab League Chiefs brainstorm on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has defended a two state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during a meeting with Arab League Chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Later in the evening during a speech at the the University of Cairo he clarified that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the mother of all regional conflicts.

He hammered that there is no plan B apart from a two state solution.

Palestinian political figure Hanane Achraoui has criticised Wednesday’s remarks saying that they have no meaning.

Speaking on condition of anonymity a white house official had indicated on Tuesday that Washington will not insist on a two state solution in the middle east on the eve of of Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States. The official had suggested that a two state solution without peace is not the target.

The principle of two states living side by side in peace and harmony has been defended since half a century by all American presidents both Democrates and Republicans.
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